
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
The Tyranny, The Confusion, The Conspiracy and The Exodus
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Our 1st broadcast of the New Year! Welcome to 2021, OMG!
Dinah and I discuss the Exodus story but, also how it is germaine to all that is happening in America and Indeed the world today. Getting us back to the Bible while surveillance and worldy patterns of tyranical governance takes hold.
Returning To Eden encourages our return to the understanding of how GOD governs and how the ancient writers would have taught humanity what that looks like. His ways do not change

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
A Conversation With Jorge Ramos, "Attorney in Torah!"
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Jorge Ramos is an attorney practicing Family Law in Washington State. From die hard liberal, to born again Christian, to RETURNING TO the biblical reality concerning Jesus, his culture, Tanahk and Torah.
Check out our conversation about how all of this happened to Mr. Jorge Ramos in short order!
Jorge Ramos LinkedIn

Friday Dec 04, 2020
Shifting Your Paradigm, THE PARABLES (continued)
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Ryan White and Dinah discuss PARABLES. The context of the ancient world as opposed to the religious world of today. Are you ready to critically think?

Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Even In Ireland, Folks Are Listening To RTE- Meet Damien Foran
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
I was contacted by Damien Foran who lives in Ireland. Damien watched the series by Dr. Dinah Dye,
"What Did Yeshua (Jesus) Mean?"
We both agree the Christian world must "RETURN" to the concepts that would have been the course of the day when the scroll of Matthew was written. Dr. Dye is always helping us to get back to Eden and take another look at the gospels from Her Jewish perspective
Video of our conversation is posted on my YOUTUBE page CLICK HERE
As always, thank you for joining us!

Sunday Oct 25, 2020
W.D.J.M. "What Did Jesus mean" Part 2
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Shifting Your Paradigm: The Parables
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Ryan White and Dinah Dye introduce the parables from the perspective of the ancient world: Its history, culture, and language.

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
What did Jesus Mean before Christianity
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
I get a little personal with my co-host before we touch on her 10 part series, from the Gospel of Matthew, "WHAT DID YESHUA (Jesus) MEAN" CLICK HERE. I ask Dinah a few personal questions that you may find interesting, especially for the women who listen to our Podcast. Men use tools to build a house, women use wisdom to complete it.......
How is the book of Matthew a retelling of the Exodus from Egypt and why is Jesus, Israel? Why does any of this matter? Check out our discussion and I do encourage you to order the ten part series....
You might be surprised to find out why Matthew is writing about Jesus in the wilderness as it relates to the people of Israel leaving Egypt

Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Speaking with Believers Across the Nation
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
Sunday Oct 04, 2020
I was invited to share a conversation with the Captains who represent Strike Force of Prayer. These people are positioned all over the United States of America...praying! I was honored to share with all of them!

Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Meet Michael Ortega (A former Catholic Priest)
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
From Catholic Priest to Kingdom Warrior, Michael Ortega started Strike Force of Prayer
Michael Ortega was one of my very first on line antagonists, I remember the difficult conversations!...One day I took Mr. Ortega to dinner and gifted to him a set of DVD's focusing on the Festivals of the LORD. I think part of his world changed soon thereafter. Join us as we share part of his story and global movement of prayer now happening with the citizens of the Kingdom of GOD

Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Remembering Brad Scott (Re-edited)
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
COPYRIGHTED INFO would not allow me to use the song "BE MY SHALOM" by Evan Craft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33qLYzfgksw
The broadcast is just over one hour long. We hope you listen to the end, thank YOU!
Dinah and I discuss courage! Biblical courage is why we have the stories of the bible as one example.
We discuss "UNCLE TOM" the new documentary produced in part by Larry Elder. Is the Black Conservative the answer to restoring the black Family?http://uncletom.com
In memorium of our beloved brother, teacher and friend Brad Scott, Dr. Dinah Dye and I share memories about meeting Brad and what He and Carol (His wife) meant to the bible believing community. Please visit Wild Branch Ministries
Finally we discuss "What Would Jesus Do?" Some of you will rember this phrase of several years ago. I asked Dinah about her new series concerning this very topic. However, as is the case with the theme of our show, Dinah would like for the folks to consider what did HE mean....check it out click here

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
It's Our Turn To Face The Giants
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
YOU....really should listen to this broadcast!
Both Dr. Dye and I believe that the "Body of Believers" have a biblical mandate to represent the politics of the Kingdom of GOD in a world run by political elites who ignore GOD's authority. Abraham did too, so did Moses, Joshua, Joseph, Esther, Deborah, King David, John the Baptist, all of the Disciples and Shaul or Paul!
Well friends, Marty McClendon does too! On this broadcast Jeff and Marty discuss being representatives in the political arena. Marty is running for Lieutenant Governor in the State of Washington. What does Lieutenant Governor mean exactly?
https://electmarty.com/ Please visit Marty McClendon's website.
You are supposed to help elect righteous leaders by praying, contributions, volunteering and getting involved within your community. Did I mention contributions? Does the word "Funding" make it more understandable?
Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”

Friday May 01, 2020

Friday May 01, 2020

Friday May 01, 2020

Friday May 01, 2020